Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Subtle-Mind and Visualization

While I am still trying to adjust to meditation practice, I have found subtle-mind and visualization practice to be the most accessible for me.  I think I like them both because in a way, they oppose one another.  Subtle-mind requires observation and the ability to let go of thoughts and images as they pass through the mind.  Visualization is more active.  It requires a focus on a single thought or image and a development of it.  I find it difficult to focus in quiet, but both of us these practices tap into the mind's ability to follow through, either with passive observation or with active imagination. 

I believe the best way to practice both is to alternate them.  It may exercise my mind to practice both either day to day or week to week, so I can strengthen the individual practice, while still maintaining interest in both.   For example, if I practice subtle-mind in the morning when my my thoughts are less active and less likely to be distracting, and then practice visualization at the end of a day where images are fresh and vivid, I can use my own daily rhythms to contribute to mental fitness.  Or as a challenge I could do the opposite, waking myself through images and winding down with observations.  Either way, consistency is important in making these practices count.  I have to commit to setting aside time each day.


  1. Hi Natalie

    I too have had difficulty trying to adjust to meditation, since it isn't something that I practice on the regular basis. It's easy to beccome side track when doing these meditation exercises at times because I tend to focus on a million other things at once. Consistency is a big thing, and I do agree in order for these exercises to work you do have to be more diligent.

  2. Hello Natalie, Thank you for your honesty about the difficulties you have had with meditation, I have the difficulty of finding someone with a voice I can be comfortable with. I think you are right that these are both great aposing meditations. I chose the subtle mind and meeting Asclepius as the two I think they are also aposing meditations. I think you have a great plan for staying on track. The main idea from what I can see is to stay consistent with what ever meditations we choose. Keep up the great work and remember to smile!
    God Bless You, Ryan West
