Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Loving-Kindess and Integral Health

This loving-kindness exercise is very good me, because it is subtle and repetitive and brings me to a place of focus.  I sometimes have trouble with expressing loving-kindness due to a sense of justice, or more accurately, a desire to be right at times.  Not all the time, but often.  For instance, when I get frustrated with my husband, I feel the need to fully explain what he has done wrong so he will understand my feelings.  He takes this as an attack which can lead to a fight.  Instead, I can exercise loving-kindness, accept that what bothers me may not be "wrong" or "right" and I can look at his actions from his point of view instead of mine.  The meditation practice can definitely help me feel more connected to those feelings. 

In my inventory of the four aspects of integral health, my spiritual and mental development can always use work.  I feel this because I find it simple to address social and physical needs.  They are more material and outward.  My thoughts and my feelings require attention on the inside, and as an extrovert with a short attention span, it is hard for me to take quiet time for meditation.  I also focus on action rather than thought, so observing my thoughts without acting on them takes work.  I believe that consistent meditation will help.  Also, because I am motivated to act, it might better suit my personality to begin with study of meditation in Eastern culture so I may be moved to practice.  This might be an easier place for me to start than diving into quiet practice. 

1 comment:

  1. Personally I think many of us struggle with the desire to be right at times. I never really thought about how it could affect us in the loving kindess aspect but it absolutely does. I know that I should practice loveing kindness way more often than I do especially in my interpersonal relationships with others. I think that as loving kindness builds other aspects of our life may fall into place. We can gain more of an open mind to othersmaybe even build more compassion, empathy and understanding of others than ever before. I hope that the loving kindness continues to help you in your journey to health and wholeness :)
