Sunday, August 12, 2012

Guided Relaxation

This week's guided relaxation was interesting.  I've done these before, and I always find them easier than trying to relax on my own.  I get distracted easily, so listening and following direction is much easier for me than practicing the self-discipline of focusing in silence.  I definitely felt the difference in blood flow from my core to my arms and hands.  I have actually tried this practice on a few occasions before to try to relieve tension or pain in parts of my body, and it tends to work.  It is strong support that our minds affect our bodies.  And it gives me a strong sense of control over my wellness.  It's important for me to feel that now, because I am pregnant, and that can make me feel very out of control physically.  This relaxation technique might make a big difference for the last part of my pregnancy.  That's good news!


  1. Hello Natalie,
    Congrats on your pregnancy! I agree, I think the guided exercise is much easier than the one that a person would practice on their own. I myself meditate on a daily basis . When I first started to practice I was easily distracted as well. I did the meditation for about five minute for the first couple of weeks the move up gradually from there. My focus became stronger as time passed. This exercise was great for me and now I think I may try so other exercises like this one in the future.

  2. Natalie
    I agree with you that something guided is much easier to concentrate to then sitting and trying to do it on your own. I love the guided imagery because I can really visualize. I did a Reiki session before. I don't know if you know what that is but it isn't a guided imagery thing but you really have to clear your mind of all thoughts and it was fantastic. Its basically energy healing and they are playing fabulous music and it was the best thing I ever did. lol Look into it you may love it since your pregnant!

  3. Congrats on your pregnancy.. I do like guided exercises, just not with this particular voice.. ( he reminds me of someone who is not trustworthy,, so I couldn't get that thought out of my head,,)I find that I relax best with an image to concentrate on versus voiced instruction.. for instance, I felt more relaxed after walking the dogs and enjoying their reactions to squirrels (they are greyhounds and very prey driven, so they always notice the little critters..)
    Natalie, I may have to try a Reiki session.,sounds right up my alley!!
